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The Rise of the Phoenix

Updated: Aug 16, 2021

This poem fell together in my head today. Bits of poems about heartbreak and pain have been echoing in my head for the last several days, but this is the one that managed to spill out onto paper.

How many tears are left she wonders,

stinging hot as they creep from her eyes,

carving canyons down the sides of her heart as they fall.

But just as everything has a season, eventually the

rains will cease and the ashes of her heart will dry and

then smolder as the slumbering phoenix prepares to rise.

She feels at home in the darkest of indigo skies,

after all that's how she learned to fly,

during those dark nights of the soul that were forging a

backbone that can no longer be crushed.

Now she is ready to rise into that deep indigo night

and see that she too shines as bright as the stars

she longed to know on her darkest nights.

XO Freya

Ps. The picture is from Burning Man 2019, if anyone happens to know who the artist is that made the sculpture, let me know so I can credit them. Thanks!


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