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Silver Linings & Peacock Feathers

As much as I question it at times, I hear the universe doesn’t give out more than you can handle. And I suppose all things considered that has been more or less true for me. I really should just write a whole getting to know me post, like actually try to write out my story - what an adventure that would be.

But since I haven’t, the summation of the last several months, has been a further stripping of everything I thought I knew about myself, a lot of pain in the ass (literally, sciatica is a bitch) and a lot of slow, slow healing. Lots of lessons. Good days and worse days.

In my “previous” life, I used to be a very glass half empty kinda girl. And it got me nowhere, well thats not true, it made me miserable, and in the words of other people made me “toxic”. At the time, I couldn't see that, but looking back, I definitely was toxic, to myself at the very least.

Up until that point, people with those perpetually sunny personalities, used to bug the shit out of me. And I mean there is still a time and place for all emotions. But I began to realize that having a perpetually negative outlook was not making me a happy person, not in the slightest. And out of sheer desperation, I started looking for silver linings in things - and surprise, I found them. You can’t see things that you’re not looking for it turns out. But once you have you’re eyes open, you’ll find what you’re seeking. Anyways, that’s really where the whole shift in my journey started.

But back to the point. I’ve actively started looking for the silver linings again, and for the little things that make me smile.

Here’s this weeks highlights…

- I got a huge smile and an out loud belly laugh, listening the Happy Place podcast, she had Elizabeth Gilbert on. And I could listen to her all day, her voice is so soothing. It was the realist thing I heard in a long time, like a wonderful deep conversation between two friends that you get to eavesdrop on. They talked about creativity, shame, mercy, boundries, all of it. Go give a listen, for real, it’s like a big squishy warm hug.

- A friend found those beautiful peacock feathers and brought them home. Of course I had to look up the meaning of peacocks. It’s said they are the incarnation of the celestial phoenix!! and the eyes of the stars. They also represent openness, spiritual awakening, self love and resurrection among a bunch of other stuff. Plus they’re good for warding off negative energy and evil spirits as well. And they’re stunning!

- Last off, I’m halfway through You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hays, and it’s good guys, like a nitty gritty down and dirty on your issues and what to do about it. It was recommended by a friend and so far I’m loving it. Ha, it’s calling me out on my shit, which I appreciate.

Happy Friday guys! Cheers!


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